Talisman Talisman - Humanimal

Guided by instincts u just can't control, animal logic
Suppressing your soul, a penchant for cruelty, desire for
Sensing weakness, u r merciless
A civilized surface, a savage underneath
Turn out the lights u can't keep it in
The only beast who wants more than she needs, never satisfied
Always driven by greed
U r the predator, the prey, u r what u eat
U r a human animal

In your solar system u r the star
So easy 2 hate when u don't know who u r
Conflicting emotions 'bout the colour of their skin
Goodbye now, it's a war you'll never win

U r a liar, a deceiver, the victor in this charade, u r a human

Computerize the future, it won't save us
In the end, virtual reality is not the key 2 the universe
We got 2 learn 2 x-ist 2gether, it's the only way (x2)
Love is the way, the only way

Everyone tries 2 make sense out of chaos
Got 2 get a grip on this cold world
So u say u believe in God
It's a poor x-cuse 4 not believing in yourself
(C no evil, hear no evil, fear no evil)

Pretending 2 live by some virtuous code
When your "clothes" don't fit, u throw them away
Creating an illusion of immortality
Goodbye now, u were born 2 die

U r a sinner, a saviour
U bear the mark of Cain, u r a human animal